
2024年6月7日,星期五,下午2-3:30.m.  |  蒂芙尼循环


In the event that for any reason we need to implement the 雨计划 for 研究生毕业典礼, tickets will be required for all guests (graduates will not need tickets) for entrance into Royal Brougham Pavilion. 购票的截止日期是 6月6日. Tickets are electronic and easy to transfer 通过电子邮件 or send directly to your guests. 

*购票截止日期是6月6日. 票已经卖完了.* 

这个毕业典礼, 在美丽的蒂芙尼环线举行户外活动, is designed specifically to honor SPU’s master’s and doctoral graduates. This is the culminating celebratory ceremony of students’ hard work and dedication to learning, 家庭成员, 朋友, 教师, 工作人员, and fellow students congratulate graduates on their “new beginning.“这个活动不需要门票.


请参阅 路线及停车页 了解更多信息.


欢迎客人在之后的任何时间开始到达 1 p.m. 除非另有说明,否则所有座位都是空的.


毕业生应按程序排队 1:30 p.m. 第五大道街景(Marston和Weter之间). If students are participating in a Hooding ceremony or program gathering prior to the Commencement ceremony, 一名工作人员会指引他们去“街景”. 


如果有恶劣天气的预报, 包括大雨和/或打雷和闪电, 雨水计划将付诸实施. Students will receive email notification if and when the 雨计划 is put into action. 如果您没有收到降雨计划通知, 这意味着活动将按照原计划在户外举行. 请一定要做好考虑天气的计划. 


Grad Images is the official photography company for Commencement. They will take a photograph of each graduate receiving a diploma, and graduates will receive a proof in the mail shortly after the ceremony. 您可以拨打电话1-800-628-4509与公司联系,或亲自访问 gradimages.com. No other photographers are allowed in any aisle or near the platform.


For guests using a wheelchair or walker, or who need a seat close to the sidewalk, please contact graduationinfo@lcsxhg.com. 赌博十大靠谱软件还可以安排几个伴座.


We recommend pulling into the Ross parking lot, directly across 3rd 大街. W. from 蒂芙尼循环, to drop off your guests before parking your car.


There will be sign language interpretation at the 毕业典礼. If you have a guest that needs to be seated close to the interpreter, please contact graduationinfo@lcsxhg.com.


这里没有官方的花商, but frequently there is someone selling flowers and leis on the sidewalk near the opening to 蒂芙尼循环. To be safe, we recommend purchasing flowers before you come to campus.


SPU书店早上8:30开门.m.–5 p.m. They will have any remaining regalia (caps, 礼服, hoods, and stoles) available for purchase.



6月7日星期五下午2-3:30.m., 蒂芙尼循环 

毕业生请在1点前准时到达.m. 排队. Meet on the Fifth 大街nue streetscape (between Marston and Weter), and line up according to program. 博士生, 带着兜帽, should line up at the front of the processional (on the south end of the Streetscape), 由程序. 工作人员将在现场指导您.

The processional will begin moving down to 蒂芙尼循环 at 1:25 p.m. Keep your place in line, and be sure to sit in your assigned row.

如果您有任何可访问性需求(例如.g.(无法走楼梯),请联系 graduationinfo@lcsxhg.com,以便赌博十大靠谱软件协助安排住宿.


会见家人/客人: Following the platform party and 教师 recessional (students will not recess), you can visit with your family members and guests in 蒂芙尼循环 and take photos up by the platform.


Friday, June 7 (various locations on campus; contact your department or school for information)

We are honored to have as our 研究生毕业典礼 speaker Esau McCaulley, 博士学位, associate professor of New Testament at Wheaton College and author of 离应许之地有多远.


There are important steps you must take before you graduate (further instructions provided below):

  • Register for Commencement events through Banner by May 28, 2024
  • 订购你的皇冠
  • 拿起你的徽章


你必须在网上注册毕业典礼. 如果你申请了班纳大学的毕业生, instructions for Commencement registration will be sent to your SPU email address.

To register your guests for your hooding ceremony, please contact your program coordinator.

标记(帽, 礼服, and hoods) is required for participation in the Graduate Hooding and 研究生毕业典礼 ceremonies. 所有的礼服都是黑色的 兜帽和流苏的颜色 取决于你的学位.


You will need to purchase your cap, gown, and tassel online through Josten的 by midnight on Monday, March 3, if you plan on picking it up at 毕业生电影节 4月12日. 如果你在3月3日之前没有购买你的徽章, some pre-packed regalia and optional accessories will be available to purchase at 毕业生电影节. After March 3, regalia can be ordered online for home delivery only. 周日午夜后下单送货上门, 4月21日, 不能保证在开始前交付 

仅限博士毕业生: If you are or will be employed in an academic environment where you will need to wear regalia on an annual basis, 你可能要考虑买高质量的, 定制博士袍. 会有乔斯滕的代表参加毕业典礼, 4月12日, 协助您完成订购流程. 或者,你可以 赌博十大靠谱软件的Josten的代表 直接在毕业典礼前订购. (如果您订购的是定制长袍, the order-by date of March 3 mentioned above does not apply to you.)

If you have any issues or questions associated with ordering regalia, 请致电206-281-2137或 bookstore@lcsxhg.com.


If your regalia order is placed by March 3, your regalia will be ready to pick up at 毕业生电影节 4月12日星期五. Orders placed after March 3 will be delivered to the address specifed in your order.


You can order announcements, diploma frames, and class rings through the Josten的 网站. 文凭框架也可以在SPU书店买到.


As a master’s and doctoral graduate, you will wear your tassel on the left side of your cap or tam.

Remember to wear comfortable footwear, as you will be on your feet quite a bit. 请注意,毕业典礼是在外面举行的, 因此,请相应地规划您的服装和鞋子.

The 雨计划 for 研究生毕业典礼 goes into effect only if there is a forecast for severe weather, 包括大雨和/或打雷和闪电. 有了这样的预报, SPU将发送降雨计划通知, 通过电子邮件, 致所有已注册的毕业生, 以及教职员工. 如果您没有收到此通知, 你可以假设仪式将会举行, 按计划, 在户外. 不过,请考虑一下天气. 即使下小雨,仪式也将在室外举行.